Anabaptist Missionary Takes a Stand in CAM’s Haiti Sexual Abuse Case

A report (link below) has surfaced regarding a meeting between Paul Weaver, Eli Weaver, CAM’s lawyer, and some men from Haiti along with several other men. It was sent to me this morning (not by the author).

I have this to say; “Thank you God!” There are honourable men in our culture (as I have repeatedly said there were) who are willing to rise up and stand for truth, and against sexual violence. I pray that many will find the courage to speak against these crimes publicly, and insist on transparency and truth .

Joint Report of Simeon Shankster et al. meeting with Paul Weaver and Eli Weaver.

Many women tell me they “will believe it when they see it”, that men in our setting love truth more than power, prestige and good standing. Well, dear friends, here is one. Read this report, and thank God. It doesn’t fill in the gaps, but it at least makes it clear that the Public Statement was not forthcoming. I sincerely hope this gives other men the courage to rise up and use their voices.

Emasculated of God-given voice and authority, many are silent. Thank God there are reverse vasectomies in the spiritual sense as well. If you know the truth, and some of you readers do, you have a duty to the Kingdom of God and the children of Haiti.

There needs to be a very clear line drawn between the corruption of ‘silence and covering sins and crimes‘,  and standing for truth.  That line should not be blurred.


Dear Paul Weaver and Eli Weaver (CAM):

It is not too late for you to break rank and tell the truth. You are under God’s authority, not some board, and certainly not some lawyer. I can tell you that the worst that can happen doesn’t hold a candle to the worst that can happen with lies, half-truths or deception.

If God ever called you to ministry in the first place, then honour that call and rise up as godly men.

In your Anabaptist culture I learned this “We ought to obey God, rather than men” and “Be sure your sins will find you out”.

Live it!

And I also learned, “If we confess our sins, He is  faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness!” Thanks be to God you can still embrace that if you dare to face truth.

As always…

~ T ~

The link provides a PDF copy of the report for those whose vision my strain trying to read the screenshot (below) of the report.

Screen Shot 2019-06-13 at 10.14.15 AM
Simeon Shankster is a seasoned missionary and pastor, and highly regarded in his church community. And he is unswervingly committed to truth.


© Trudy Metzger 2019

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