Honouring my husband & a few men of integrity….

Father’s Day came and went, without any sort of acknowledgement from me, on social media. (And it still happened! How about that!) Fortunately, every day is a good day to acknowledge fathers who are honourable and present. And Tim is such a father. I am grateful for his kindness in our home, and his support in my life. His loyalty, integrity and commitment are second to none, and spill into every part of his life, from family and duties at home, to his job. He has always worked hard to provide for his family, making sure that all our needs are met. He has held 3 official jobs over the years. He was recruited by Floradale Feed Mill a bit over 23 years. He is respected and appreciated by co-workers who know him and with whom he works closely. So much so that numerous co-workers from various departments and/or their spouses have said things like, “he is the most trustworthy person at the mill”; “he is the most honest person there…”; and “he respects and follows the rules more than anyone….” Or simply stating how much he is missed when he is not there, or how the IT issues are not resolved in the same timely manner when he is away. (He has been the Data and Information Manager for many years).

In 2020 I learned that when working from home, he holds to the same routine, working with the same dedication as if going to the office. His alarm was set for the same time. His morning coffee break. And his lunch. Then back to work until end of day. I was not surprised, even so, it was delightful to observe.

The previous owner of Floradale Feed Mill, Craig Schwindt, was a most honourable man and took excellent care of his employees. (The Mill sold in 2020). Whether at home or work — and in the past managing conferences for Generations Unleashed, Tim always gives his best. He sacrifices his own comfort to make sure what needs to be done gets done, and is done well. And he still he manages to slide into the background and fly under the radar, never asking to be acknowledged. He does not love the spotlight. But Craig saw him and honoured his hard work and dedication. Never, in almost 20 years, did he undermine, speak unkindly, deceive, mistreat or harm Tim in any way. Always, he showed true leadership and encouraged him. Not many bosses have the track record and legacy Mr. Schwindt offered his employees.

When I think of Father’s Day, first and foremost, I honour Tim — the father I’ve known longest and most intimately — whose kindness toward his family melts my heart. He remains steady in the face of abuse and harm, never raging or veering to the left or the right. He is able to name the harm, feel the loss and sadness, without wishing evil or letting any unkind words escape his lips. (And still he doesn’t judge me when I am frustrated and spill my feelings all over the place). In over 30 years together, this is the man I know and love, and with whom I do life.

Other people who have powerfully influenced who Tim is, are: His parents, who raised him to be the wonderful gentleman I know. They are proud of Tim, and have always supported us over the years. Howard Horst, ‘Dad’ in the family that took me in and helped me face all the abuse I suffered, and his wife Alice gave us both a safe place. Steve Masterson (former Education Director of Promise Keepers Canada), took Tim under his wing and, together with his wife Jackie, mentored both of us in early years of marriage. These three gentleman — Tim’s dad, Howard and Steve — played a fatherly role in our lives and shaped the friendship and love Tim and I share.

To each of these men, thank you. You exemplify fatherhood even beyond your own families. We are deeply grateful for each of you and wish you every good thing in life. And to every father out there who sacrifices for their family and community,

Tim, thank you for loving so generously. Thank you for living with such integrity and honour, in every part of your life. You won my affection many years ago, and it has grown stronger with each passing year. I respect you with all my heart! I am humbled by your gentle care… especially these past 5 years, dealing with the aftermath of the car accident. You have made sacrifices over and over again to make sure I am ok.

There is no one with whom I would do the bumps and scrapes, or with whom I would rather spend my time. I love you! Always. Thank you for loving me so well.

As always…
~ T ~

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